The Master's degree in Biosciences, Agrosciences, Ecoproduction, Plant Biotechnologies and Biovalorization (EcoBioValo) draws on the expertise of three higher education establishments (Université de Rouen Normandie, Université de Caen and UniLaSalle) to offer you cutting-edge training in the fields of ecoproduction and biovalorization.
Discover the detailed EcoBioValo Master program
training sites (UniLaSalle Rouen, Université de Rouen, Université de Caen)
Master 2 in partnership with Université de Rouen Normandie and Université de Caen Normandie
year of training at UniLaSalle (Master 2 only)
How do I get into the EcoBioValo Master 2 program?
- you have completed the first year of a Master's degree in Biosciences, plant sciences, ecoproduction, biovalorisation at the University of Rouen Normandy or Caen.
- you have completed the first year of a Biosciences specialization Master's degree at the University of Rouen Normandy or Caen
- you have completed the 4th year of UniLaSalle's Agronomy and Agro-industries engineering program
- you have completed at least a 4th year of biology or an equivalent degree in agronomic sciences at another French or foreign university
- pre-registration on the Université de Rouen website: see the Master EcoBioValo page on the Université de Rouen website;
- once you have pre-registered, you can access the application file, which must be returned to the Master's coordinators (names and addresses given in the file) by June 15;
- applicants are selected on the basis of their applications
- Successful applicants can register with the Registrar's Office at the University of Rouen or Caen.
- Registration is from April 23 to May 15, at the University of Rouen, or from April 23 to June 15, at the University of Caen (you can choose to register at either institution).